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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

March for Life 2010

I attend this year's March for Life in Washington, DC. It was held on Friday, January 22, 2010 to mark the anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision. It was the 37th Annual March for Life. It was attended by 400,000 pro-life marchers to end the genocide of abortion.

As I figured, the secular press did not cover the event and CNN commented that "both sides of the debate were in attendance". Actually there was only about five (5) pro-abortion people there, but I guess that the secular media doesn't worry about that.

Anyhow, the March was great and hopefully we will not need one next year.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Abortion Kills Babies

“Abortion Kills Babies”
Abortion kills millions of babies each year. Just because a woman has an abortion it does not mean that she is not a mother. It just means that she is the mother of a dead child (Top Ten Reasons).

To have a willful abortion is to take innocent lives into our own hands and to decide who is worth living and who is not (Abortion is Wrong).

In the United States alone 1.37 million children were aborted in 1996. This equates to approximately 3,700 a day (Center for Bo-Ethical Reform).

The anti-life or pro-choice movement in America will state that it is a woman’s right to choose. Unfortunately it is the only sentence that is not complete. I ask, what is the choice? The correct saying should be that they want a mother to have the right to kill her unborn baby.
To make matters worse, currently fathers do not have a say in the argument. If a wife of ten years decides on her own to have an abortion, the father and husband have no say in the matter.

There are three angles to human rights for the unborn. They are: One, The unborn baby has rights on its own. Two, the unborn baby has no rights. Three, the unborn baby has human rights if the mother wants to keep it, but no rights if it is unwanted. Most of the time only angle one or two will be used (Thripp).

The anti-life community will push that the second angle is right and justified. They will state that a woman has the right to do what ever she so choices with her own body, regardless of what the interests of the child are. They will also state that it is good to help teenage girls with unwanted pregnancies.

Many will say that teenage girls are not ready for a child. This is not true at all. Many years ago girls in their early teens were having children because life expectancy was not long, so biologically they are ready to have a child (Thripp).

One of the most horrible styles of abortion is “partial-birth” abortion. This is performed mostly on women who are pasted their twentieth week of pregnancy. This procedure typically requires that the child be dismembered while still inside the mother’s womb, so that it can be extracted through the cervix with dilation. This procedure has been referred to as the “D&E” method, or Dilation and Extraction (Rovner).

According to the Alan Guttmacher Institute that conducts surveys of the nation’s abortion doctors, about 15,000 abortions were performed in the year 2000 on women twenty weeks or more along in their pregnancies, the majority of which were between their twentieth and twenty-fourth week (Rovner).
While I can understand the pro-choice’s movement that they are concerned with women’s rights concerning abortion, and that they should have the right to choose. The real question should be what does the baby want?

Many times the reason that people state that abortion should stay legal is because what about a woman who is raped, or the baby is the product of an incestuous relationship. In all actuality, these two reasons only account for one percent of the abortions (Kidd).

The main argumentative reasons for women choosing to have abortions are that they currently cannot afford the child and the concern about how having a baby would change her life. These two aforementioned arguments are just simply selfish statements. The mothers selfishly want to spend their money on themselves, and their wants and needs rather than to have to sacrifice a little for the sake of their unborn child (Kidd).

In today’s modern society it seems that women have forgotten that she also has a right to choose abstinence or adoption. An unwanted child can still be loved, and they deserve that, even if it is by strangers (Kidd).

If a woman is considering having an abortion they should think it through long and hard. Once a woman has an abortion there is no going back, once the deed is done, it can not be reversed (Thripp).

Currently in New Jersey, women that seek an abortion are not informed of many things. These
items are pain that the child goes through during an abortion. Negative psychological effects of having an abortion, and how your life will be forever impacted. Also, ultrasound services to be able to actually see the child in the womb. Currently, there is no waiting period for abortions. If a woman walks into an abortion clinic, she can have the abortion right way, there is no “cooling off period”, to think about it. Also, currently abortions in New Jersey are covered by the Medicaid Program (Overview of Abortion Laws).

The most disturbing law currently in the state of New Jersey concerning abortion is the fact that no parental consent is required. This means that a fourteen year old girl can walk into a clinic and have an abortion without her parents knowing about it, or consenting to it. This same fourteen year old girl who fell out of a tree in the woods and broke her arm would have to wait for hours in an emergency room to have her arm reset because they need parental consent for that.

Abortions are also disproportionately done according to race. Thirty-seven percent of abortions occur to black women who only make up thirteen percent of the female population (Facts on Induced Abortion).

Abortions are also highest among households who earn between $30,000 and $60,000 at thirty-eight percent. Of this thirty-eight percent, ninety-three percent state their reason for having an abortion is for social concerns such as unwanted or inconvenient pregnancies (Abortion Facts).

If a pregnant mother is murdered, then the person who murdered her would be charged with double homicide. By this law, it is noted that an unborn child is a real person with rights. Isn’t a mother who terminates her pregnancy also guilty of homicide (Abortion is Wrong).
It is evident that after I have stated all of these facts and refuted most of the common arguments for abortion, that abortion is the wrong choice, and that it kills millions of babies each year. If I were an unborn child who had to choose between life and death, I would choose to live, as would everyone else who is currently privileged enough to be living.

Works Cited

The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform. “Abortion Facts”.

Guttmacher Institute. “An Overview of Abortion Laws”. State Policies in Brief. 1 December 2009.

Guttmacher Institute. “Facts on Induced Abortion in the United States”. July 2008.

Kidd, Travis M.D. “Abortion”. 2000.

Rovner, Julie. “Partial Birth Abortion, Separating Fact from Spin”. New Republic Magazine. 21 February 2006

Thripp, Richard X. “Why Abortion is Wrong Even if it’s Right”. 8 August 2008.>.

“Abortion is Wrong”. 2008.

“Top Ten Reasons Why Abortion is Wrong”